Lance Chauhan

Undergraduate Researcher (Spring 2023)

Project Title: “Auke Bay Squid Investigation”

Originally born in New Jersey, my family and I have moved a total of 13 times. I am the eldest of four, and our family of six should all have "explorer" as our middle name. Our traveling has taken us to many parts of the United States, which include two islands (Vashon and Bainbridge) in Washington state, Spokane, Washington, Oxnard, California, San Diego, California and an abundant amount of cities, counties, and townships in New Jersey. However, through all the diversity, one of the things to remain constant was my personal love for the ocean.

This love and immense interest for the ocean started with fishing on a little dinghy in the Puget Sound, carried on to exploring and analyzing the second largest lake in New Jersey, and ultimately took me to Alaska to attend the University of Alaska: Southeast and finish my Bachelors Degree. In order to merge my future endeavors with my endearment for the ocean, I decided to pursue an undergraduate research opportunity with Professor Michael Navarro. This project aims to test for the presence of Berryteuthis magister in Auke Bay as well as obtain and analyze oceanographic data collected by a CTD. This opportunity was one that I could not pass up and am forever grateful that I took advantage of. I’m very much looking forward to this semester and future research endeavors with the University and Professor Navarro alike.